Sorry, but is Gone (R.I.P.)

This website has been either abandoned or discontinued by its original owner.

The hosting space, once gently providede by the MSXALL Team, is now available to be claimed.

If you are looking for an entire free hosting, fast, based on full featured cPanel, no ads, then you found your provider. Please, send a message to with the basic specs of your project and how it will serve the retro-community, specially (but not limited to) the MSX community, and we will consider your technical needs and evaluate your project for the possibilit to extend the free service to you.

About this subdomain, it can be made immediately available if you like it, or you can opt for an entirely new one. You can also use your own domain, if you have it. Our servers are of the highest quality and reliability, allocated in Data Centers across the world (NY, California, Amsterdan, Singapore, etc), second to none to the most expensive hosting serives out there.

Yeah, we run professional hosting businesses worldwide, that's why we can offer such a system for free. ;) Now that you know it, lets build something together!